From The Minister's Study-continued....

months in 1972. In this year the Manse mcrtgage wes paid in full, end plans
were being made for some needed improvements in the appearance cf the sanc-
tuary. The church roof, which hed been a perenniel problem, also received
attenticn. And a young couple, recently come to Canada, were helped with
the gifts cf good household effects. In May and June the outside of the

é Mense was peinted by « number cf our experts in this field. Then, after a
summer break, a return to the busy activities cf Fall and Finter. The
bulletins of 1972, as de those of 1971 and 1973, show a very busy schedule
of activities by our energetic Ladies! Groups. Their continuing interest,
industry and support is en unfailing delight, and the contributions they
make are almest countless.

On thrcugh the bulletins to 1973, end it is heartening to see what
this ccngregetion can accomplish. In this year 260 copies of the New Book
of Praise were dcnated by cur members and the account has been settled.

In the sanctuary the pews were refinished as was the Table, pulpit and lec-
tern, the intericr was painted - the narthex, the minister's study, and the
back stairway ond passage were also painted. Thet was the first time the
front side and the back walls were painted in the sanctuary. Carpet was
leid in the sanctuary end the Explorers donated a pulpit light so that the
minister cculd see what he was talking about! A new communion tray and
glasses were alsc obtained. So 1973 wag the year for much-needed work to
be done in the sanctuary where the faithful gather for worship Sunday by
Sunday. A library project was also started and it is still underway.

"ith your help we shall have a good selection of readable, informative end
often provocetive bcoks for your use. The Session was also increased by &

; 4 note cf sadness is struck when one notices the number of appeals that
are made - not fcr money - but for people, and these appeals often go unan-
swered. Consequently, many pcod enterprises are not undertaken because no-

5 ene comes forward tc do the job that needs tc be done. Perhaps this will
not heppen in 1974.

May I drew ycur attention tc the big project for this year? It is cur
Centennial Froject cf raising $5,000.00 throughcut 1974. In this ~rinted
annual report ycu will find it spoken cf on twc cther cecasions. Please
read these reports - end consider the part you may pley in this undertaking.

And new, a personal werd in closing. For some time I have been giving
much thought tc my leaving the Pastcral Ministry. I believe that I should
take this step in 1974 and therefore am intimeting to you now my intention
to resign from the congregation of Westminster-St. Paul's sometime during
the next six months. My resignation will be given to take effect not later
then August 31st, 1974, inclusive of vacation period, but may, depending on
whet may open up to me employment-wise, take effect at an earlier date. I
have deeply perscnal reasons for taking this step but wish to mention it to
you now so that no-cne may be taken unawares when my resignation is presen-
ted. It hes not been an easy decision to arrive at for I have derived a
ereat deal of personal joy and blessing during the years of my ministry
with yeu. I hope that, in some small way, God has used whatever gifts He
has given me of preaching, counselling and general pestoral work, to bring
seme measure cf His love and blessing to you.

With warmest regards,

: A. Ronald Courtenay
