Deer Friends:
The other day I was reading over copies of the weekly bulletins on
file in the cffice end was intrigued by the way they give a picture of
c the history cf cur Church week by week. It is too bad they don't stretch
back tc the earliest Sundays of the congrepetion's life for then we would
have a fairly complete historicel record. But let me mention some of the
items recorded since September 13th, 1970, the date I came into the pul-
pit ss ycur minister. On that dete there Was an appeal for new members
for the senior chcir. That is a continuing appeal and new members are
always welcome to assist in the ministry of praise which is so important
each week,
Following en appeal on September 20th, 1970, encugh couples showed
interest for the formation of a Couples' Club. This continued for two
years and then slowly phazec out. We did have some marvellous times of
fun, friendship end fellowship during the pericd of the club's existence.
In October cf 1970 the Sunday Schcol cbtained e 16 mm. Frojectcr and the
Church ecquired a junior choir. Under the direction of Mrs. A. Mcwatt
assisted by our organist, Nerm, Brydges, the junior chcir has continued in
strength and makes a splendid contribution to the service each time they
come to sing. The generosity of our friend, Hugh Boyce, and the sewing
skills cf seme of our ladies provided Presbyterian-blue gowns for the ju-
niors, In the same month Mr. Carl Jackson made and donated a pamphlet
rack which has made many infcrmative pamphlets available to all.
1971 sew the first Kirk Session plent sale which is now an annual en-
deavour. Don't forget to support it agein this year. In March the Treil-
blazers held the first congregational Easter breakfast after their Sunrise
Service. The Treilblazers, lster the Young People's Society, did not re-
convene in the Fall cf 1973. Here is an opportunity for someone who wants
to work with ycuth to organize and plan a group for 1974. In March of
1971 a Cooey cerd table went missing - wonder where it is? Finances were
tight thet month and we were behind $1,000.00 on our mortgage. It seems
to be a recurrent problem - I wonder why? Perhaps because we simply don't
give a fair porticn of our income to the Lord and His work, What do you
In June '71, we welecmed 7 new elders to the Session. On September
15th Girl Guides were started end since then they have never looked back,
During Octcber '71, Church Directories of Cenada took photographs of most
of cur members in crder tc Produce a photographic directory of our Church.
While we did get © directory, the company ran into financial difficul-
ties, and a few of our people, including the writer, lost some Money. But
that's life! During the Fell, a full scele of orpenizations met and our
building wes use@ tc the utmost. Attempts to ccmmence a discussion group,
a car club for boys and e musical eroup were unsuccessful because of a
lack of response. 4A new furnace was installed in the Manse in December
'71 - the old one had to be laid to rest, and during that month we raised
over $200.00 fer the Pakistan Relicf Fund.
February 6th, 1972, saw a gathering of the members of Sessicn of the
three Presbyterian churches who, along with their wives or husbands, sat
down to a delicicus meal with the Moderator of the 97th General Assembly,
Our ladies cutshone themselves on that occasion with their cooking and
their grecicus service. In March some of your homes were opened to young
people from all over southern Ontario who had tome to Guelph for a 5 day
rally crganized by the writer. The seme month saw Mr, Pannabaker of Kit-
chener meet with us tc discuss a 5 year plan for our Church, but so far
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