Session Report cont. - : -
Committee to plan fer a pessible increase in Sunday School requirements -
pupils, teechers, supplies? This committee hes been without e cheirmen
since September, How ebout you? Our church elso needs e plenning com-"
mittee to plot cur course over the next decade lest we drift along with-
out purpose until we founder. Will you offer your services for such a
committee and shere ycur iceas? Where we go Cepends’on every member, |
In 1972 we accepted a figure of $1800.00 as cur contribution to the.
General Assembly Budget. By the end of the year we had exceeced this
figure by $340.80 and hed sent $2140.80 to the Treasurer af the Presby-
terien Church in Canada, Toronto. We commend you for this effort end,
encourage you to eccept the ellocetion for the Budget ag presented by..
the Boerd of Managers.
We welcome into the fellowship of Westminster-St. Paul's the fol-
lowing who jcined in 1972, end wish for them Gcd's richest blessings.
By Profession of Feith
Mr. ené Mrs. W. Abbott’ Mrs. J, Howerd Miss Joyce Peacock
Miss Rhende Courtenay E Mr. Merk Hunter Mr. Brad Speers
Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Mr. Merv McQuillan Mr. Ron Stcrey
Miss Judy German Mr. Peter Mikel Miss Merie Hill
Mr. Derek Mowatt
By Transfer of Membership . ,
My. & Mrs, W. Cleary Mr. Stuert Mikel Mr. D, Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. D. Vickers Mrs. A. Crowell Mr. D. Mokron
Mir. € Mrs. P. DeHehn Mrs. E. Fergusson Mrs. R. Storey
Mr. & Mrs. D. Mikel Mrs. J. Legault
Our membership now stands at: :
Membership at Dec. 31, 1971 482
1S Remeved 5 i .
te By Trensfer 3.
By acticn cf Session * 1 2
By deeth 2 ' jaunz&
: 476
is i. By: Professicn 15
: : . By Trensfer 15. ed
Membership at Dec. 31, 1972 206
In 1972 there were a total of 21 Beptisms and 20 Weddings.
It is with regret that we record the deeth of our esteemod members,
Mr. David Burcombe
Mr. William Sturrock
Mr. Tom Brydon
We extend our sincere sympathy to the femilies and lock with hcpe
tc the day of Resurrection.
John Gillespie,
Clerk of Session
