Auciter's Report - cont.
It is cur understending thet this has now become e ecntingent liability
end will nct be payeble if current payments cre kept up te date.

The previcus benk loan cf $800.00 was retired end « new benk loen
of $1,500.00 was obteined in May 1972,

The mortgege on the Mense was reid in full in Merch 1972 ané@ the
mortgege on the church was reduced by $4,000.00 during the yeer.

The Bank of Neva Sectia Savings account #744 belence now stends et
$19.15. Interest of 50 cents has been arsed and is included in the re-
venue ecccunt. We would suggest this acccunt be closed cut end trens-
ferred to the Generel Account. This weuld require the signatures «f two
cf the following trustees namea in the account: Dr. Jchn Bellentyne,
Mr. Cherles Barker end Mr. George Fersyth.

: Respectfully submitted,
G. W. Fetun
i Fatum & Fetum
a" Stetement ef Assets and Liabilities
as et December 31, 1972
Benk - Mission Fund 2.00
- Generel Account 1,970.22
less: Cheques in Trensit (1,207.04)
Flus: Deposit in Trensit 672.65 1,435.83
Sevings Account #744 19.15
Buileings - Church et Cost 105,319.00
Manse at Ccst 14,000.00
lend - 13,015.00
Furnishings - Church. 10,924 .00 . .
Mense 1,198.43 12,112.43
: : ot 145,903.41
Acecunts Payeble - Mission Expense 409.90
Receiver Generel 42.97
Gary's Sunceo 61.00
McKenzie Brothers 16.65 530.32
Loens Peyeble - Benk 1,500.00
Mertgeges Peyeble - Church 29,000.00
Net Werth December 31, 1971 109,153.70
Net Gein for 1972 5719.19 : a fhe
Total Net Werth as et December 31/72 114,872.89
