
The Presbyterian Women's Associetion is composed of approximtely
66 members in fcur Circles, meeting €ech month except during the sumer,
There were six generel meetings of the P.1.A. last yeer with represente~ )
tion from each Circle, plus cne executive meeting.

As a group we teke pert in the Wemen's Werle Dey cf Preyer, contri-
bute to the Fellowship of The Least Coin, meke sendwiches for the Senior
Citizens! Centre and five Christmes gifts to the Mentel Home petients.
All our offerings go to thd W.M.S.

In Jenuery we hosted the annuel W.M.S, meetings ene provided a cas-
serole: supper,

We rrevided supper for the Yeung People's Conference in Merch.

Some cf cur members assisted in making the choir gowns for the
junior choir, i

In April we contacted as meny ladies as possible who hed been esso-
cinted with the old St. Paul's Church end invitec them to e speciel St.
Peul's Night. We were amezed at the response. A most interesting pro-
€ramme was presented, in which there was e brief historicel eccount of
St. Peul's Church. A recording of a Christmas service at St. Feul's wes
pleyed end excerpts from local newspapers were read reccunting tees end
percen parties. The evening seemed tc bring back many happy memories of
former cays.

- In Mey we hela & successful home beking sele in conjunction with
Session's Plant Sele. Later in the month we had cur annual Mcther and
Deughter Pot-Luck supper to which the Explorers, their leaders end the
-Explorers! mothers were invited.
A used-book sele wes held et Willow est Mell in October anc we es=
sistec with the annual Fowl Supper hele later thet month.
: The ennucl hegeer tock the ferm of @ tea enc exhibition end sele
of paintings, ‘
: The yeer wound up with e pot-luck supper cn Nevember 22nd.
‘ 4s in cther yeers, financiel essistance wes given to the Boerd of
dienegers end Bibles were prosentee to the eredueting class in Suncay
School. We staffed the nursery, lccked efter the Credle Roll, stocked
ithe kitchen end helped supply flowers fcr the Senctuery.
i Ne look back on 1972 wos « year cf increased friendship end under-
-stending among members end pray thet we may be as richly blessed in the
yeer thet is now beginning.
: : C. Gillespie,
. Secretary, P.W.A.
