Crescent Circle Rerert - ecnt.

Our speciel projects included "A Shirt for Fekistan" end e tied
quilt which were sent to Uniterien Services: white shirts for lepers
which were sent te the Yorld Vision of Canede: a shower for ¢ new Co-
nacien; end Christmas cifts for two mental health patients. We put on
supper for the Young Pecple's Conference in March.

For fund-raising projects, we held s rummege sele, tupperware par-
ty, Geni party, and cetered tc e Treusseau Tea. Each member wes fiven
@ can enc in this she put 1¢ for every meal she ate.

We essistec the P.7.A. with the Feshicn Show, Beke Sele, St. Paul's
Night, Beck Sale, Turkey Supper end the Christmes Tea as well as tock
our turn in the nursery.

Anyone wishing to join the Creescent Cirtle, pleese ccntact Mrs.
Lecker at 822-9485. .

‘ G. Rebsen,
. Secretary
Benk Belence Ferwerd 1971 80.27
Proceeds frem special projects 144.14
Interest - Benk account 257
Penny Fund E 10.00
Expenses - St. Peul's Night - Cake 8.50
Flowers 5.00
Denation - Y.P. Dinner 3.00
Cheque to P.W.A. 75.00 ot,
-- 91.50 154.71 63421
Belance on hand 1972 243.48
Missions 1972 . r
Collections 38.10
Cheque to P.W.A. - Missions a RO
Specie] Projects during 1972 were: :
Tupperwere Party 49.00
Geni Party * 12.40
Rummage 46.74
Trousseau Tee 13.00
D. M. Curric,
: Treasurer
