Young People's Report - cont.
As for the future, we heve meny things plenned, mere guest speekers
end a few field trips if possible. ‘
On behalf of the group, I would like tc extend cur deepest grati-
tuce to ell our adult edvisars who heve been e great help, and I would
elso like te extend o warm welerme to any young person thet would like
to come to cur next meeting on Sundzy, Februery 4th et 7:30 P.M,
Nency Craig,
‘ Secretery-Tressurer
The 18th Guelph (Westminster-St. Paul 's) Boy Secut Group is e¢ein
registered with the Boy Sccuts of Canede, Wellington District, for the
yeer 1972-73. The Group is spensered by the Kirk Session of the church
enc provides Secut treining for boys ages eight tc seventeen on en in-
terdcencminational besis.
The Grcup operates two Cub Pecks for boys in the eight tc eleven
yeer bracket. The 18th "A" Pock with Mr. on@ Mrs, Ken Gemmell as lee-
ders, meet with twenty-one boys cn Mcnday evenings at 7:00 in the church.
The twenty boys of the 18th "B" Peck mect every Friday evening at 7:00
in the church with their leader, Mr. Pat O'Brien, Helping these lee-
ders, we heve several cf the older boys from the mre edvenced steges of
the progrem who ect as junior leaders, Along with their annuel Cub
cemp, these groups heve several other cutdocr ectivities Curing the yeer.
After some leadership problems lste lest yeer, the Scout Treop wos
reorgenizec with eleven boys in the eleven to fourteen ‘age brecket with
Mr, Jim Hower¢ es Trocp Secuter ené@ Brien Perter es his essistent. These
beys meet in the church Thursday evenings ct 7:00. .
The Venturers heve obteined the services of Mr. Ernest Gent as their
advisor end meet in vericus loceticns curing the week, There ere nine
members in this section fcr beys age fcurtecn to seventcen. Their plens
fer the coming year look very ambiticus. 2 i
The Ledies! Auxiliary of the 18th Group, with Mrs. Stelle Pecrsell
as presicent, is composed of mothers of the boys in the prcup. This is
© very vitel erm cf our orrenizgetion end we wish te thenk them for ell
their essistence in the past. i
The Group, which continues tc be self-supperting through verious
fund-reising projects, would like to thank eny end all who heve helped
enc supported us in eny way Curing the past year, Without this help,
plus the zeel of our leaders, our Proerem would be uneble to ecntinue.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Gowen :
‘" Cheirmen, 18th Sccut Gréup