; The Explorers (girls 8-11) meet cach Mondey from September to Mey
et 4:00 F.ll. in the Sunday Scheol room. From Jenuary till Mey there
were fourteen members ene two leaders, and en averege attendance cf ten.
Feur cf these girls greduated into C.G.I.1., receiving their ewerds end
Ciplomas at the P.W.A. Mother ena Deughter benquet in Mey. Six now
members were welecmed in September, end present enrolment if fourteen,
with an everege attendence of twelve, T ey enjoy games cna crefts, heve
@ study book, end earn their sters by memory work, projects end seventy-
five per cent attencance ct meetings end Sundsy Schocl = not necesserily
et Yestminster-St. Paul's, In the spring they went on a hike, end at
Hellowc 'En ene Christmes they hed perties. They elso entertained their
acthers et their initietion service in Nevember, A werm invitetion is
extendec te girls of this age te come end join the Explorers.
Mergeret Albrecht
Belence Forwerd Jon. 1/72 39.69
Offerings Jen. - Mey 14.20
Donetion 1.00
Expenses - Crefts ete, 7.86
to W.M.S. (in Mey) 37.00 : :
Offerings Sept. - Dec. 14.50
Eerned by group 40.78
Expenses - Awards, crefts etc. 9.55
: : 54.41 110.17
Belence cn hend $55.76 :
: _ Mergaret Albrecht
The Ycung Pecple's this year hes stertec off well. The executive
is es follows: Presicent, Kethy Gorman; Vice -Fre sicent, Denny Herweod:
Secretery-Ireesurer, Nency Creig. .
After sending out approximetely seventy letters, we reised our
everere attencence of lest yeer frem twelve to twenty this year.
The executive this yeer, elong with the help of Rev. Courtency,
chenged the meeting pettern. |e now usuelly met on the first Suncey
of every menth for a business meeting an¢ ciscussion, «nd on the se-
cond cr third Saturcay (or Fricey) for © socicl rothering. ‘Se fer,
we've hed Dr. Powell who gave us en interesting telk, a heyrife end
wiener roest, a frames night, e Christmes party cnd cll events heve
been successful, :
Cur achievements have not been meny, but we st#1l have the rest
cf the seeson to éo things. At the moment, we are supporting our child
: in India, we heve presented the White Gift Service and gave the Christ-
mes perties for both Sunday Schools.
