
The Board of Menagers held ten meetings in 1972 with an averege at-
tendence of twelve. Our money-raising event wes the ennual Turkey Supper,
hele the lest Saturday evening of October. The Boer¢ wishes to thank the
entire coneregetion fcr its whole-hearted suppert in this venture.

Agein, we ere indebted to Mrs. Mollie Mitchell for composing our
church celender each week ene also to Mrs. Grece Eémenson, our feithful
Envelope Secretery. We wish tc thank the Presbyterien Women's Associetion
for its help and generous donations cf money during the yeer. .

We ere pleased tc report that after general expenses, cost of rocf-
repairing and four mortgege peyments, we were able to pay $500.00 on the
benk loan. The members end adherents cf Westminster-St. Peul's may be
dustifiebly proud of what their eifts accomplished this past yeer,

The Boerd wishes te thank ell for their co-operaticn this pest year

enc tc esch anc ell « Happy New Yeer,
D. Nedwell, L. McGillivery,
Cheirmen Secretary

The Mense received some needed rereirs in 1972, The interior was
reintee end e new dccr purchesed for the entrance. This wes dcne by
velunteer help. Seversl of the Beerd members end scme men from the cecn-
eregeticn perticipetec. The Victoria Circle pave a very generous dcnetion
cf meney tc pey for this. The’ Mensc Committee thanks those thc helpee for

their work end feels ‘that living inthe Manse was made a little mere plee=-
Elsie Jackson,
z Convenor
The Members . i
Westminster-St. Peul's Presbytericn Church ok at ‘
206 Victcrie Roed North : .
Guelph, Onteric . ‘ ‘

We have examined the beoks and records of Westminster-St. Peul's
Fresbyterien Church for the yeer encing December 31, 1972 end in con-
nection therewith have approved the acecmpanying statements subject to
the following comments,

The cutstencing pension fund liability of $1,417.28 on the supplemen-
3 1 tery list of eccounts payable is not includec in the yeer end stetements,
