This congregation held its first Communion Service on May and, 1958,
- at which time 133 persons were received as Charter Members, Thus we will
be celebrating our fifteanth anniversery this spring.
We heve much to be thankful for as we lock beck over the yeers and
over the yeer just passec. On behalf of the ccngregation we extend our
Geep appreciation to all the dedicated people who do sc much work for our
church year by year: to the Orgenist and Choirs, to the superintendants
end teachers of our Sunday Schcols, to the leaders of cur many youth or-
genizations, to the ladies of the various Circles, to the members of the
Board of Menagers, to Mrs. H. Mitchell, cur typist, and to cur cereteker,
Mr. J, Senders, Withcut ‘such participation the continuing work end wit-
ness of this congregation would be severely jeopardized.
Because of a donetion received, your Session was able to proceed with
much~needed work in the church. We hope ycu like the new paint in the
Sanctuary end Nerthex which does much to warm and beautify this house of
Ged. New windows, made of plastic and splatter-painted to approximate the
irreplaceable glass ones, were also installed in the Nerthex. “It is also
hopec thet much-needed refinishing of the pews, lectern and pulpit will
be commenced scon and, if funds are available, some carpet leid in the
Nerthex end aisle. In these ways we have sought to erhance the beauty
of the Sanctuary for the glory of Him we serve. Our sincere thanks go to
the concr of the money tc underwrite these undertakings.
During the year, Session held another plant sale and it wos well sup?
pertec by our people. We plan this as en annual event and Icck forwerd -
egein to your patronage in the spring. -
As you know we tried an experiment ‘in relocating the choir and, al-
thcugh many fevcurable comments were received, it was felt thet there was
not et this time e large encugh mandate to make a permenent change.
Your Session also held © reception for new members at the close of
the December Communion service. This was well receivec ané will new become
an ennuel feeture of cur congrepeticnal life.
We have elso called for an election of new members to the Session,
In 1972 Mr. Michael Colliver end Mr. Al Bowmen end Mr. L. Jones beceme
inective due to being trensferred out of Guelph. Others heve found it
necessery because of health or pressure of business to adopt an ineetive
rele, Thus we hope to secure the services of eight new members to assist
in carrying out the work of the Kirk Session.
At one of cur meetings Mr. George Scott wes elected as our represen-
tetive elder to the Presbytery of Guelph-Seugeen and Mr. George Forsyth Jr,
es alternate. *
4s we look ahead, what is in store for us in 1973? Changes will be
teking place in our community as many new families move in to the Hedati
Ferm development. How we cope es a congregation depends on every mem-
ber lending a hand. We ere the only church in the immediate area. Will
this become their church home? Will we have a Christian Education