
In the bock Future Shock by Alvin Toffler, one cf the meny questions
raised is "Can individuals or societies survive without ccmmitment?" I,
believe. the answer is "no", That is also true for Nestminster-St. Paul'sy
we cennot survive without commitment. ‘

We ere blessed in having many people in our Christian family who sre
Ceeply committed to the task of serving the community in the name of Christ.
Men, women end young pecple are serving in various depertments of our con=
eregetionsl life: Session, Board, choirs, Suncsy Schocl, nursery, ledies!
groups, youth organizetions and P.Y.F.S. Others of our number serve on -
the boerds and committees of voluntary crganizations throughout the eity.:
Week by week 6 large number serve through their diligence in attendence ~
anc their generosity in giving. Thus, through service, attendance, worship
end prayer, and financial support, a great number of members, adherents *°
an¢ friends are committe¢ to the work of Christ and His church. I thenk —
Ged for them, ané thenk them for their eontinuing support,

It would be helpful, however, if we could see an increese in the nume
ber of people committed to our cause in 1973. We are approaching our fif=
teenth birthday end cur period of childhecd and acolescence is cver. More
adé more responsibilities offer themselves for cur acceptance while res-
ponsibilities necessarily leid aside by others must also be taken up. Here
is © list in which you, the reader, might find a way to shoulder e part of
cur task and inerease the effectiveness of our church's outreach.
1 - Increased attendance at worship out of love for Christ and ccncern for

the whole worshipping community.
2 - Generous giving se that our work will not be curtailed by lack of funds,
3 - Eernest prayer to God on behalf of Westminster-St. Paul's.
4 ~ Involvement rather than silence or criticism from a Gistance.
5 - Willingness to undertake one cf the follcwing tasks -
_ Christian Education Cheirman
b) Choir member ‘
c) Sunday School teacher
@) Help in the organizations
e) Landscaping end gardening
f) Organize a library
e) Visit new femi}ies in the new housing development
h) Lock efter cur pamphlet rack
1) Invite others to worship Ged with you here
§) Share your ideas and constructive criticisms for changes you
think ought to be made
k) Stert some service for senicr citizens
1) Offer to serve cn the Board
m) Share in the lecies! groups
m Offer to usher and uplift the offering }
o) Stert a congregational newsletter
p) Keep en eye out for those numerous odd jobs that always need
doing around a much-used building = and do them!
q) Start something new
: r) Help continue a warm and friendly atmosphere in our church.
