Jenuery 31st, 1972
1. Pot Luck Supper - 6:30 to 7:30 P.M.
2. Devotional Pericd
3. Election of Secretery and Press Secretary
4. Minutes of 1971 Meeting
Ss Business 4rising From Minutes
6. Correspendence
7. Kirk Session Report and Recomzendetions
8. Considereticn of Report -
9. Boerd of Menagers' Report
10. Treasurer's Report :
11. Consideretion of These Reports
12. Proposed Budget for 1972
13. Consideretion cf This Propesal ;
14. Election of Board Members - .e@) Nominations
a b) Elections
15. Consideration cf Printed Reports - a) Questions
«6 b) Moticn Te Accept
16. New Business
17. Metion To Adjourn
18. Doxclogy end Benediction
