Session Report _- cont.
4 totel of $1827.60¢ has been forwarded to the church treasurer as
this congregetion's contribution for 1971.. Our allocation was $1750.00.
Hecommendation: Session recommends thet this congregation accept’ an al-
locetion of §1800.00 for 1972.
The totel reised for this fund during the month of December wes
$189 .12¢. : i
We welcome the following new members who heve joined our: fellowship
in 1971 end wish for them e warm, and rich spiritual fulfilment in this,
their church home,
By Trensfer - 32 i
Ir. & Mrs. Wm. Hill ~~ “Mr. L. Jones oe lr. & lirs. D. Kritz
Mir. & irs. I. Miller Mr. & Mrs. G. NcAlpine Mirs. C. J. Pritlove
iy. D. Quinton Mrs.’ Wm, Sharpe . Mr. & Mrs. W. Sobye
Mrs. N. Van Huisstede Mrs. R. Gaskey ° Mr. R. Harwood
Mr. & lirs. H. V. Courtenay Mr. & Mrs. &. G. Feirbeirn Mir. R. Herriot
Mr. & Mrs. Rk. Kerr Dr. & Mrs. Kk. C. Linton Mir. & Mrs. D. Murray
Dr. & Mrs. M. Johnson Mrs. F. (Helen) Stewert Mrs. D. 0. (Sendy)
Ziegler ;
By Frofession of Feith - 15
Mrs. 4. Howie (Vicky Ball) Miss Anne Scott Mr. N. Van Huisstede
Miss Shirley Scott Mr. Brien Halls : Mr. Douglas Stinson
Mir. Denny Harvood Miss Holly Harwood Miss Ruth Anne Ball
Miss Lynde Smith Mr. John Knox Miss Christine Morgen
iiss Debbie Johnston Mr. Bob Hopkins . Mrs. Rod Herriot
The following trensferred to other congregetions during the yeer:
lr. & Mirs. J. Lawrence Mrs. C. Kline Mr. L. Jones
Miss Julie Lewrence Miss Geil Kline Mrs. Wm. Sherpe
ur. Maurice Eccles
Membership et end of 1970 - 442
Membership at end of 1971 - 482
Beptisms - 18
Weddings - 14
J. E. Gillespie
Clerk of Session