The Members
Westminster-St. Paul's Presbyterian Church
206 Victoria Rd. N.
GUELPH, Ontario

We have examined the books and records of Westminster-St. Paul's
Presbyterian Church for the year ending December 31, 1971, and in con-
nection therewith have approved the accompenying. statements subject to
the following comments.

The outstending pension fund liability of $1,417.28 and fuel bill
of $178.63 on the supplementary list of accounts payable are not inclu-
ded in the year end statements.

The cost cf the new furnace and water softener in the manse have
been added to the value of the furnishings at a cost of $815.68.

A bank loan cf $800.00 wes obtained in. April 1971 and remains out-
standing at the year end as confirmed by the bank.

The Savings Account number 744 is among the inactive eccounts et
the Benk of Nova Scotia and is listed on the Balance Sheet at $18.43.
Interest of 22 cents has been added and will reflect in the 1972 income
stetement. The total belance of $18.65 is held in the names of Dr. John
Bellantyne, Mr. Cherles Barker and Mr. George Forsyth as trustees for
Westminster-St. Paul's and requires the signatures of two of the above
trustees to effect a closing of the account or a transfer to the general

Respectfully submitted, .

G. W. Fetum :

Fetum & Fetum

December 31, 1971 :
_{Not_Shown in Ledger
Ministers Pension Fund $1,417.28
Cable Fuels (Church) 172.13 ‘
Cable Fuels (Manse) 6.50
