Se ee
The Goodwill Circle held nine meetings in 1971 with 16 members enswering
to roll-call. Eech weeting is cpened with e short devotional period. To
reise money, we held two Bring end Buy Seles, a miscelleneous sale, end
with our speciel collections, missionary and birthdey box had e successful
The sick end shut-ins sre remembered by the visiting committee or by
cards. We contributed knitting to the church bale.
I wish tc thenk ell members for their co-operation end support in the
rest yeer.
Jessie Coutts, Secretery
Balance $ 28.61 Presbrterian Tomen § 310.00
Collections 58.00 Missions _ 26.67
Special Collections 185.64 Shut-ins 2677
Sales 63.67 Flowers 10.50
Birthdey Box 26.67 Stemps 2.00
Donetions 8.61 Belence | 19.32
Interest 206 . : a
371.26 371426
M. Jordan, Treesurer
The Victoria Circle held nine monthly mectings in 1971,. and in Janvery
the members attended the evening session of '.1i.S. Presbyteriel instead of
e reguler meeting. There ere twenty ective members and en averege atten-
dence of fifteen. °
We held one Bring and Buy Sele and one auction et our mectings. We held
ea Rummege Sale, a Strawberry Festival end e card night es money-reising pro-
dects. We also convened the Mother's Dey Tea, and helped with the Hat,
Scerf end Jewellery Show, the rummege sele at the Managers* Auction, the
book sale end the ennual bazear. We staffed the church nursery in March,
dune end Nevember. We hed the senior choir gowns cleaned, and provided
thirteen lerge table cloths for the church. We perticipete in the Fellow-
ship of the Leest Coin, .provide e Christmas gift for a mental heelth pe-
tient, and our sick end.shut-in members ere sent cerds end flowers.
Mergeret Albrecht, Secretery
Bring end Buy Seles. $31.87
Strewberry Festival . 58.95
Rummege Sele 77.85
Card end Dessert Perty 76.00
Boerd of lenagers $110 00
Teble Cloth Materiel 80.07
Belance on Hand a : $100.73
_ Contributions are sont to, the Cane@ian Save The children Fund and the Fellow-
ship of the Least Coin.
Eunice Ritchie, Treasurer