
The Junior Choir sterted cut just pricr to last Christmes, meneging
nevertheless to take part in the services after only e few prectices.

& Christmes perty wes held on Boxing Day and I would like to thenk Mrs.
H. Mitchell who gave up precicus femily time. tc help orgenize this enjoye-
ple event. The high-light cf the season, according to the boys end girls, i
wes the successfvl weekend cemp we he at Rockwocd in June. Meny thenks
tc the Group Committee for the loan of tents, elso the kind doneticn to-
werds expenses, not forgetting the parents who entrusted their children
tc my care end assisted in trensporting them to and from camp.

Mle have en everage membership of twenty, and meet for practice every
Thursdey et 7:00 P.M. Any interested boys end girls between the eges of
7 end 14 yeers who cen sing will be very welcome.

. Christine Mowatt, Leader

This yeer's executive is es follows:

Fresident: David Smith Secretary: Holly Harwood
Vice-President: Berry Grimes Treasurer: . Doug anderson

Cur Adult Advisors to whom we owe a lot ere Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosenow.

We have lost ea few people this yeer but we have elso had about 13 people
join our froup. As of Dec. 19/71, we heve had 15 meetings. All in ell, we

7 hope te have ancther gcod yeer as we heve hed se fer. along with our regu-
ler nicetings we ere having guest speakers, slides etc.

One cf the most profitable projects we are doing is supporting e “foster
child" from India. She is 13 years old end doing quite well in school. Her
name is R. Sampengi.

Ls you know, we présented a Christmes Pageant. The Sunday School tea-
chers and children worked very hard cn the pley. It's only hoped that they
had half cs much fun doing it es we did. We elso went cerolling egein this
yeer, and efterweris hed our Christnes perty. :

Whet comes next? "Easter". The next big thing we hope to accomplish is
an Eester play, in which Rev. Gourtensy is to direct us. This is to be e-
long with cur annual Sunrise Service.

Holly Herwood, Secretery

The 18th Guelph (Westminster-St. Paul's) Boy Scout Group is egeinre-
gistered with the Boy Scouts cf Cenade, Tellingtcn District, for the yeer
1971-1972. The Grcup is sponsored by the Kirk Session of this church end
provices scout treining for approximetely 75 boys, eges eight to seventeen,
on an interdencminationel basis. With « membership of this size, we ere
now one of the largest groups in Wellington District.

With the membership in the Cub section growing from thirty boys in 1970-
1971 to cver forty this year, we found it necessary to split the section

intc two Cub pecks. In line with this thinking, we were very fortunete to
