A8th Guelph Boy Scout Group Report - Cont. ~~ :
ebtein the leadership of Mr. Pet O'Brien end Mr. Bob Hopkins Jr. which °
enabled us to ‘open the 18th ."B" Cub Peck, meeting on Friday evenings at
. 7:00 in the church. The 18th mgn Peck continues to meet cn Monday evenings
et 7:00 in the church, under the capable leadership of Mr. & Mrs. Ken
Gemmell, with the help of junior leeders Gordon Hemilton and Steve Gemmell,
Thais section, which proviues training for boys eight tc eleven, has en
ennusl Cub Cemp end severel ciher cutdcor activities during the year.
The Secut Troop ccntinues under the cepable leadership of Scouters
Berry sownen, Bob Hamilton end John Bolster. This section provides scout
treining fer boys eleven to fourteen end meets et the church cn Thursday
evenings et 7:00. This section has grown fro twenty-one beys in 1970-
1971 to twenty-six boys in 1971-1972 with the "Going-Up" of éleven boys
from the Cub Peck to the Troop. oc
We ere very proud of the boys whe moved -cut of the Troop in June. Six
of these boys received their Gold Chein, while two boys, Berry Brousseau
end Steven Gemmell, attained the Pathfinder Awerd which is the highest
becge awerd in the new Scout program. Several others were very close to
this ewerd which should provide en incentive to the younger boys in the
The Trecp's outéoor activities consist of both sinter (no tents) end
summer cemping, hikes, field trips and competitive camping with Trcops of
other Cistricts, |. . 2g8 :
The Venturer Company with their advisor, Mr. John Holding, consists of
seven boys in the fourteen to seventeen see group. These older boys plan
: énd ‘run their own. meetings cnd activities, and ere et present co-ordineting
with other companies in the district on verious projects.
The Ledies' Auxiliery of the 18th Grcup, with Mrs. Vivien Broussceu es
President, is compnsed of mothers cf the boys in the Group. This isa very
vital arm of cur organizetion end we wish to thank them for all their essis-
tance in the pest.
The Grcup, which continues ‘tc be self-supporting through verious fund-
reising activities, would like tc thenk any end all who heve helped and
supported us in any wey during the pest year. Without this help, plus. the
zeol of cur leaders, cur program would be unable to continue. :
Respectfully submitted,
: . . Bill Gowan, Chairmen
; 18th Guelph Scout Group sh