
The Crescent Circle hes 17 members with en averege attendance of 10 per
meeting. During the yeer, our group attended the annual meeting of the
Guelrh-Seugeen Presbyteriel of the W.M.S, held in St. Andrew's Church, end
attended a meeting at First Baptist Church tc watch e film end heer a re-
port from the delegete of the World Council of Churches who hed visited
the Holy Lend,

We had a guest spseker, Ross Pauli of St. Andrew's Chureh, tell us of
the work of missionary Jeck McIntosh in Korea. Mrs. Mrore Gordon spoke
at our thankoffering meeting end told us of life end conditions in Formosa
during their years of missionery service. Some of our members attended
the W.u.S. Relly in Duff's Church. : ,

We hed severel meetings on "Communication". "Communication In The Home",
"At Church", "At Work" and Communication Through Media". We held two ecffee
perties end beke sales to reise money for the Jeck McIntosh Fund end for
the P.W.A. We cetered for the Presbyterian lien's lunch,

We geve to "The Fellowship of The Least Coin" and talent money from
several of our members was donated to the group throughout the yeer. The
Crescent Circle helped in the nursery, end with teas end the bazear, the
Hat Show, book sele end other ecticities of the church.

Dorothy Morgan, Secretary
Ferticulars DR. CR. Bab.
Belance Forwerd from 1970 $ $ $111.89
Proceeds from Project Parties 107.50
Profit from sale of Bend Show Tickets 26.00
Talent honey 9.00
Miscellaneous Donetions 5 2.50
Benk Interest 1.10
Benk Service Cherges 2 40
Cheque to P.W.A for McIntosh Fund 60.00
Cheuges to P.W.A. for Bd. of Manegers 110.00
and bills
Christmas gift for mental heelth 3.14.
patient ;

Belence on hend 84.45

Money collected for missions : 53.43
Cheques to P.W.A, for missicns 53.43
Our speciel project for this year wes the reining of $60.00 for the Jack
McIntosh Fund. This was done by serving at a men's supper et the church,
from proceeds of a coffee party and through donations.

: Helen McGillivery, Treasurer
