Christien Education Committee Report - cont.
4 new curriculum is being used and secms to be working well. We now use
Ps "Qniform Lesson Seriest, ?
# very successful Sunday School Picnic wes held in lisy at Centennicl Perk,
: thanks to Bill Montgomery and the teachers. :
The Young Feople cf our church precuced and directed en excellent Christ-
mes story in which the Sunday School children teok part.
Our Committee feels that the work with young people in our church is very
important. We solicit your help in supplying leaders for these children.
Respectfully submitted,
Nora Stoskopf
Benk Belence Januery, 1971 . $ 282.45
Gollections Jaen. $ 52.55
: Feb. 42.85 i
March 45.70 :
. &pril 29.05
Mey - 37.95
June 25.05
: Sept. 26.45
Oct. 53.34 >-° i:
Nov. 44.81
Dec. 41.80 399.55
Benk Interest: March 30
Oct. 1.65 1.95
Holly Cellecticns: Jan. &
Feb. 65.50
Dec. 199.00 : 264 .50
Transfer, closing of Projection Acct, - 40.90 i
DOTA) 0) eect tisk oles bt ae hy $989.35
: Home Evangel Pub. $ 15.70:
: Bible Book Stcre 128.10
Eolly herges 112.50
Presby. Publiceticns 377.43
Hugh Boyce (bock, Bind.) 44.70
Misc.: Shcrtreed Paper ~~ 26.80
Cuelph-Seugeen 5.00
Geo. Forsyth 49h. +=
Film, Rentel 8.75
Young People's 8.05
Picnic Expenses 37.81
Ditty Begs t 12.00
Christmes Party 30.00
. Bank Service Cherges 3.80
TOTAL 5. 6.05) 5, Suce: op fot 9 ce syer sen ies» spr eaien $785.58
i BANK BALANCE DEC. 31, 1971 ... ..sseseee $203.77
