. The P.W.A. hes epproximetely sixty members in four circles which meet
once a month except in the summer months. Of these sixty, about one-
: third attend the P.W.A. generel meetings of which lest yeer theré were
six, plus ore executive meeting. a
A successful Hat.and Scarf show wes presented in February. Mrs. Grent
Halls demonstrated wig styling end wigs et the reguler general meeting in
March. Later on in.thet seme month, 2 wig show wes held at the Mense with
proceeds going into.the P.1.4. funds. In April, the P.V.A. supplied re-
freskments for e C.G.I.T. Workshop held in our church. The month of May
sew the presentation of our Mother's Dey Tea which was well attended, end
leter that month we held cur spring Pot. Luck Supper and generel meeting
to which Explorers, C.G.I.T. end their mothers were invited. Tokens of
appreciation were given tc the two retiring C.G.I.T. leaders, end several
Explorers gredueted to C.G.I.T. lire Den Coulmen gave ea slide presentetion
on the history of Guelph which wes well received. A W.M.S, life member-
ship end pin were presented to Mrs. John Gillespie, e pest-president of
the P.W.i. In October, the P.W.A. held « successful used book sale et the
Cherity Bazeer at Willow West Mell. Our thanks 60 to the congregetion for
its response to our eppeal for books. The annual bezaer, this yeer celled
"Shoppers! Bezear", was held carly in November. & Pot Luck Supper for our
menbers, is held in December.
The P.Ww.A4. Supplies help to staff the nursery the year round, oversees
; the use of the church kitchen and keeps it supplied with staples, has e
member working with the’ Inter Church Council, hes enother member who keeps
in contact with shut-ins, supplies flowers end « flower. convenor for the
church,’ and this past yeer decoreted the church for Thenksgiving. Another
member looks efter sending cards to anyone who is ill in the congrégation.
Special efforts were made by members to reise money in 1971 for the Jack
MiceIntosh Fund to help build « church for Koreans. Money was also donated to
the Fellowship of the Least Coin. It is evident thet the outreech ‘of our
P.W.4. goes meny miles beyond the dcors of our church. ©
/ &ssistance was given to the Boerd of Managers es‘in pest years both fi- :
nencielly end in the presentation of their Fowl Supper. Bibles are presen-
ted te the graduating Sundsy School children for regular ettendance. Our
Credle Roll Convenor remembers all the little cnes on their baptisms end
birthdays with certificates end cards.
We are looking forward to another productive year in 1972. Sincere thenks
gc to all who worked so herd in the past year.
25) ' : Respectfully submitted,
Mollie Mitchell, Secretary
