The Board of Menagers started the year 1971 with nineteen members.
We hed an everege attendance of twelve et our meetings. lr. H. Bechtel
wes cheirman until September when he and his femily moved to Toronto.
We elso lost the services of Mr. H. Den Hoed by trensfer of employment.
Both were very able yourg men and we were sorry to lose them. We re-
ceived excellent co-operation from all members of the Board, and hope
thet the reports of the different committees will receive the approval
of the congregation. We also wish to extend a vote of thenks to Mollie
Mitchell for her excellent work in composing the calender for the Sun-
dey services end also little services rendered beyond the call of duty.
Our Envelope Secretary, Mrs. Grace Edmonson, deserves a vote of ‘thanks
. 8 this is an execting end very necessary service to the congregation.
The Boerd wwishes to thenk the Presbyterien Women for their untiring work
~ over..the year. We possibly would not heve been able to function as a
church without the finenciel help we receive end: have received from this
group. After Mr. H. Bechtel .résigned es cheirman of the Board, Mr. D.
; Nodwell becamechairmen,.with Mr:.C. McNebb an able "stend-in" in cese
of the chairman's absence. ‘
FINANCE COMMITTEE REFORT:. See financiel statements, etc.
USHEKING COMMITTEE KEPORT: The Ushering Committee reports thet approxi-
metely 60% of the men in the congregation Helped with the ushering and
counting the collection. :The. aim is to have ell the men in the congrere-
"tion help with the tishering. Maybe, owing to the Women's ‘Liberetion
Movement, we will be asking the women’ of the congregation to participate
in this. necessary service in the neer future. :
‘MANSE..COLMITTEE REPORT: The Manse Committee reports thet a new furnece
wes instelled in the Manse, and, some minor repairs,mede td the roof, but
ferrets to report thet the Mense still needs peinting with hope of accom-
plishment in the spring.
PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPOKT: This committce reports that repairs to the
rocf of the church were sterted in the fall but, owing to the length of
time it is going to teke to eccomplish this, it has been postponed until
the nicer weather, elthough much hes been accomplished towards the prob-
lem of weter in the church after « heevy rein. Some work was done on the
parking lot with gravel being edded to the front pert and the rest re-
graded. There are quite © few projects yet to be done but hope, with the
fullest financial support of this congregetion, much can be eccomplished
in 1972.
The terms of office have expired fcr the following members either
through expiretion of their three-year terms or thrcugh resignation:
Mr. D. Croft, Mr. C. Barker, Mr. C. McNabb, Mr. D. Nodwell, Mrs. J.
KeGillivery, Mr. H.-Bechtel end Mr. H. Den Hoed. Mrs. J. McGillivery end
uur. D. Nodwell ‘have egreed to remein for one more year.
I wish to thank ell members for their fullest co-operetion and parti-
cipetion this pest year in ell metters.
: On behalf of the Board,
R. D. Nedwell