1971 ;

As we enter a new year in the life of this congregation, it is fit-
ting that we lock back over the year past and record our accomplishments
and our feilures and set some goals for 1972.

Our congregetion is growing, our contributions to the support of our i
church are increesing, and this combined with a new awareness of our
spiritual needs cerries us into the new year..with. confidence.

We are fortunate in having meny talented people willing to carry the
work load in this congregation, be it teaching the young, singing in the
choir or working within the various organizations of the church. On be-
helf of the congregetion we thenk them.

Our minister hes completed his first full year in this charge end the
stetistics presented tonight vouch for his hard work end succéss in fur-
thering God's work in this plece, We wish hon, filma and family God's
richest blessings in 1972.

Session held a successful Petunia.Sale in Mey of lest year realizing
$200.00 vhich wes turned over to the Board. We intend to hold enother
sale this spring.

Six men were elected to the eldership of the congregation during the
yeer. They ere: Mr. K. Cooper, Mr. A. Mowatt, Mr. K. Eccles, Mr. Don ‘
Croft, Mr. G. Hells and Mr. A. Bowman.

Mr. G. Scott was appointed representative elder to Presbytery. lr.
it. Hemilton Jr. and Mrs. A. Bowman heve been appointed to the Christien
Educetion Committee,

Session has received the resignation of Mr. Wm. Montgomery as superin-
tendent of the senior Sunday School to take effect the 30th cf June. We
are heppy to sey that he is going to continue as 2 teacher. Bill has mede
a tremendous contribution as teacher and superintendent in our Sunday
School for many years and we express the thanks of the congregetion to him,

Your Session is considering the esteblishment of a planning committee. .
to be drawn from the congregation. Terms of reference would be long-range
plenning in physicel resources end social action to meet the needs of this
community in the yeers aheed.


It is with regret thet we record the death of two of cur members,

hr. E. Booth and Mr. Gecrge Ritchie, end of our former minister, Kev.
Wm. Nicholson. We extend the sympathy of the congregation to the femilies.
