
I had € dream: .

- Thet no christian thought church attendance unimportant but thet beceuse
desus wont to the synegogue regulerly (Luke 4:16) and because he founded
the church (Mett. 16:18), and because it wes important to him, it wes of
ereet importance to every christien.

- Thet the Sunday Schcol wes well attended because parents were concernéd
thet their children received instruction in the faith and therefore
brought them.

- Thet there wes no shortege cf teechers beceuse christians were enxious
te shoulder the responsibility and share the priviledge of teeching the
gcod news cf God's love.

- Thet our choir grew in numbers because folk wanted to sing to the glory
of Ged and assist the congregaticn in worshiy and praise.

- Thet there was need for starting Bible study groups and discussion
groups because meny were interested in ettending end some in leeding.

- Thet we hed e vision (without which pecple perish) of a worthy goal end
leid down plens te achieve it for the glory of God.

- Thet no cne was ever asked to give so thet our opereting expenses would
be met end cur cutreach enlerged beceuse ell gave as the Lord had pros-
pered them and there was enough and to spare.

- Thet we hed a visiting committee that visited every home and thereby
enccureged friendship, fellowship and oneness,

- That ell of us ran with patience the race set before us. That we loved
ene another end were kindly affectioned one to encther. That cur cri-
ticism was wise and gentle and our enccuregement strong. That we said
ncthing to hurt our fellowship.

I hed e creem thet we a1] worked together tc make the dream come true.

. A. R. Courtenay
