1970: acTUAL 1971 BUDGET
Advertising $ ey goes
Auto Expenses : 885.00 1,500.00
Audit Fees ‘ 55.00 60.00
Accomodation For Supply Minister 55.65 sae
Building Repairs 706 01 2,000.00
Cenada Pension Plen 42.78 97.00
Choir Expenses 167.53 300.00
Fowl Supper Expenses 178.38 snide
Heating 1,200700 1,600.00
Hydro = Church 581.99 600.00
-.Mense * 42.82 200.00
Insurance - Ministers' Health & Accident Sie OO 102.00
~ Building and Boilér 343.83 “344.00
> Manse 2 82.00 - 82.00
Interest and Benk Charges - Bank 178 .06 150.00
- Synod Mortgage 1,781.26 . 2,313.00
- Manse . 87.00 75.00
Janitor Supplies t 116.26 ° : 200.00
Minister's Pension : 194.79 200.00
Mission Expense . 8 1,724.65 1,750.00
Mense Repairs Fs 186.17 500.00
Postage 4 49.28 =~ ¥00 .00
Extension Fund (Presbytery) : 34.70 Sele mn
Interim Moderator . 105.00. k I Ser
Synod end Presbytery Dues : 242.90. 300.00
Printing end Stationery 252.17. 500 ,00
Pulpit. Supply 2,580.00 i 300.00
Snow Retioval 32.00 * 100.00
Sundry - Church Grounds . 394 .30 500 .00
Taxes ~ Prepaid on Manse 144.72 ans
- Property 572 .06 600.00
Telephone 331.15: 250.00
Union Gas : 1.00 1.00
“ages Rev. Courtenay ~- $2083.35 . 55500700
oN: Brydges . . .-. 1100.04 ete C “3071 10000!
- Geo. Forsyth Jr.- 40.00 60.00
= Joe Saunders’ = °_ 270.00 1,200.00
3549339: 7,865 00
Window Repairs 25.21 219. 300.00
Mortgage’ Payment eee 43,000.00 4,000.00
$205928.33 $26,884.00