Board of Managers ~ Cont.

The Board of Managers expresses its sincere thanks to the P.t/.4., Circles,
and the Trailblazers for their financial assistance this past year. Their
contributions both in money and services made it possible for us to end the
yeer with a balance. A special thank-you goes to the P.%.A. Circles.who looked
after the cleaning of the church for so long, and to the men of the congrega~
tion for their assistance with the grass-cutting dnd snow-shovelling.

We wish to thank the Presbytery of Guelph and Saugeen for the able pul-
pit supply, and Rev. Nicholson for the magnificent way he kept the church to-
gether. A special thanks to Dr. Crawford Smith, Rev. Forbes Thomson and Dr.
Finlay Stewart, our interim moderator, for their efforts in locating Rev.
Courtenay for us. < 3

Our sincere thanks go to Mollie Mitchell for the typing and assembling.
of the Annual Report and for the weekly church bulletins.

The terms of office have expired for the following members, either through
expiration of their three-year terms or through resignation: L. Parliament,
G. Forsyth Jr., Mrs. H. Elliott, J. Ziegler, C. McNabb, E. Jury, C. Barker,
K. Cooper and D. Croft. The following have egreed to act as Boerd members for
the next three-year term: E. Barber, G. Albrecht, H. Den Hoed, J. Guthrie,
D. Hunter, A. Mowatt, G. Smith, Mrs. E. Jackson and G. Gorman.

I would like to thank all the members of the Board of Menagers for their
co-operation end their fullest participation in all metters.

On behalf of the Board,

D. A. Croft, Chairman


Januery 21, 1971

The Members,

Westminster-St. Paul's Presbyterian Church,
206 Victoria Rd. N.,

Guelph, Ontario.

We have examined the books and records of Westminster-St. Paul's Presbyterian
Church for the year ending December 31, 1970 end in connection therewith have
approved the accompanying stetements subject to the following comments.

The pension fund liability of $1,417.28 shown in 1969 supplementery accounts
payable list still remains unpaid. This is to be paid according to informa-
tion received from the treasurer starting in 1973.

Mle heve been in contact with Mr. Don Harvey, Treasurer of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterien Church, Guelph, and he believes the debt owing their church in the
emount of $2,650.00 has been written off. He also edvised that the loen of
$5,000.00 at the bank has been peid in full. This is reflected in your state-
ment of revenue where it shows that St. Andrew's hes paid $7,650.00 in 1970.

We confirmed the bank balances with the Bank of Nova Scotie and they have ad-
vised there is no loan payable to them, by the church es eat. December 31, 1970.
