The 1970 Board of Manegers consisted of the following people:
Mr. D. Croft - Chairman V Mr. G. Halls - Treasurer
Mr. L. Parliament - Vice-Cheirmen Mrs. G. Edmonson - Envelope Secty ,/
irs. L, McGillivary - Secretery VS
Finence Committee
Ir. K. Cooper - Chairman
lirs. D. Currie Vv
lir. G. Forsyth Jr.
Property Committee
lr. C. McNabb - Chairmen Mr. J. Hewkins /-
lir. Tm. Stubbert V Mr. J. Ziegler
Ushering Committee
lir. H, Bechtel - Chairman j Mir. E. Jury
Ar. D. Nodwell ir. D. Robertson
Wr. C. Barker
Manse Committee
Mrs. H. Elliott
1970 wes a yeer of accomplishment for Westminster-St. Peul's. & new
minister, Rev. Courtenay and his family; a new janitor, Mr. Saunders; a very
successful Every Member Visitation which mede a lot of the work cf the church
possible both spiritually and materially.
The Finence Committee is proud to report 1970 was one of its most grati-
fying years.
The Property Committee was able to replace the eavestroughs, repair the
brick walls at the front corners of the church, erect shelves in the storage
room in the basement, and repair all the chairs and tables in the
We were again able to rent the basement to the Board of Education for day
school Kindergerten classes and were able to brighten up the besement with a
coat of paint. Unfortunately there are a few important jobs to be done when
the moncy is available, the most important being repairs to the peak of the
church roof,
The Ushering Committee was very happy to announce thet approximately 75%
of the men of the congregation helped with the ushering and counting the collec-
tion. The aim is to have all the men of the congregation help with the usher-
ing cach two Sundays of the yeer.
The Manse Committee was able to rent the manse while it wes vacant to
Calvery Beptist Church for eight months at a monthly rental of $175.00. Af-
ter the congregation called our new minister, a cleaning end painting bec was
organized to cleen and brighten the mense. The expenditures for peinting the
kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms, laying # new floor in
one bathroom end numerous small plumbing and electrical repairs were our first
expenses for about five years and some were overdue. A new refrigerator and
stove were purchased for the manse as permanent mense fixtures, The furnece,
which is about fifteen years old, requires extensive repairs or replacement in
the very near future, end the exterior requires painting badly and will be
doné in the spring.