The Credle Roll Membership at the beginning of the year was 33. During the
year, 14 members graduated on reaching their third birthday. We received 11 new
members during 1970.
Gradle Roll certificates are sent to all new members on behalf of the Pres-
byterian Women's Association at the time of baptism, Each year birthday cards
are sent to all the youngsters in the Cradle Roll.
Mrs. R. G. Hamilton
The P.W.A. has 66 members in four Circles - one of which meets in the efter-
noons and the other three in the evenings. During 1970, two P.W.A. Executive
Meetings were held along with six general meetings.
A Het Show was held in February and the May meeting was preceded by a Mother
and Daughter Pot Luck Supper. The Fall Bazaar was held in November followed by
a Pot Luck Supper at the end of the month to finish a successful year.
A pin and life membership in'the W.M.S. was presented to Elsie Jackson, a
Past-President. Small tokens of appreciation were given to lirs. D. Cooper, Mrs. I.
Alton and Mrs. L. Parliament for their work in C.G.I.T. and Explorers. Bibles
were presented to graduating Sunday School children for regular attendance.
The P.W.A. provided refreshments at the Induction in September, operated the
Nursery, helped with the church cleaning while we were without a caretaker, assis-
ted the Board of Managers with their Fowl Supper and provided flowers for the «
church on special Sundays. Our President, Velma Smith, was deeply involved in
planning and attending Synodical meetings last winter. Three of our members at-
tended a planning meeting for the World Day of Prayer. The P.Y.A. supplies a
flower convenor, a kitchen convenor and a home visitor to shut-ins, as well as re-
presentation in the Inter-Church Council.
The P.W.A. is looking forward to another busy and successful year in 1971 un-
der the leadership of Mrs. Marnie Milne as the new President; Sincere thanks go
~ to all who contributed to last year's efforts,
Mollie Mitchell,