
2 The young people of the church, the Treilblazers, have increased their
membership to twenty.

As in the past, wo have again done the following activities: taken
part in the church bazeer at which $28.50 was raised, decorated the church
for Christmas and organized the Sunday School: Christmas parties. We again
went Christmas carolling; this time in the Children's Ward at the Gencrel Hos-
pital and also at the homes of several members of the congregation,

Our activitics havo included the following social events: pot luck sup-
pers, & Hallowe'En party, bowling and a Christmas party.

In the new year we intend to have our annual Sleve Day and Easter Sun-
Tise service. As well, we are planning films and studies on: the structure
and history of the Presbyterian church, the church's views on such topics as
drugs, alcohol, sex end morality,

Ne are also planning to briefly study various other religions in order to
compere and contrast them with our own, Various long term projects ere pre-
sently under consideration, 2

We ere sure ‘this will be another successful year for the Treilblezers,

Nancy Craig,
‘ Secretary


The Couples' Club first met*on November 21st, 1970, in the lower audito-
rium of the church, An evening of games and dancing was enjoyed after which
a short business meeting wes conducted. Mr. George Scott was elected Club
Chairmen and Mrs. Ross Leef (Crral) wes clected Treasurer. It was agreed to
elcct planning committces of three couples eéch to be responsible for the mon-
thly maetings.

Seventeen couples participated in the December Bowling Party. Refresh-
ments were served in the church hall following the bowling in the Sportsman's

Memberships - 18 at $1.00 $18.00
December Meeting - 17 at $1.00 17.00
Total $35.00
Paid Mr. Mowatt Jr. - Music for
November Meeting $ 3.00
Peid for Food & Supplies for De-
cember Meeting 16.00
Total Expenses $19.00

Total Cash on Hand $16.00
