
The Crescent Circle meets once each month at a member's home. During the
year, we had special speakers at several of our meetings. Mrs. Cleghorn showed
us slides and spoke to us on her trip to Scotland, England and Ireland. Rev.

G. Hastings told us of the interesting work being done at Bon Accord Farm near
Elora, a centre for alcoholics. Mrs. C. Shoemaker of Rockwood entertained our
group in her home and showed us her collection of 700 dolls, her quilts and oil
paintings, and spoke to the group of "Norman Vincent Peale" and his early child-
hood. Rev. Courtenay visited our group in October to meet our members. Miss
Barbarce of Knox Church spoke to our group concerning worship material available
to the groups. She had a display of interesting books which can be purchased
also. We had an average of twelve members at our meetings.

Our Circle had a Rummage Sale, a Tupperware Party, catered to a meal for
100 people and prepared a luncheon to raise money for the year. We participated
in all the P.W.A. projects such as teas, bazaars, nursery, hat show, "The Least
Coin" and the Mental Health Association, We have a dinner in June and a Pot
Luck Supper in December.

Dorothy Morgan,

Particulars DR. CR. BAL.

Belence fwd. from 1969 $ 86.36
Proceeds from project parties $ $ 18.22
Proceeds from Catering : 169.89
Profit from Rummage Sale S 40.49
Bank Interest 2.36
Miscellaneous Donations 3.00
Additional Cook Book Sales ‘ 5.00 325 32
Bank Service Charges : 1.20
Purchased picture in memory of Mre Nichols 7.87
Miscellaneous Gifts 4.36
Cheque to P.W.A. 200 .00 2

Balance 111.89


Money collected for Missions 45.80
Cheques sent through P.W.A. for same 45.80 8

Helen A. McGillivary,
