Explorers - Cont.

In October we held a Hallowe 'En Party. For our Christmas project, we
decided to remember the shut-ins from our church and the girls enjoyed making
Jelly end baking and decorating cookies for this project.

Balances on Hand Jan. 1970 & 2.84 Toboggan Party Lunch $ 2.00
Sale of Calendars 8.50 Study Book 2.25
Collections Jan. to May 8.04 Supplies for liotherts Might
Special Donation 5.00 end Gifts 5375
Collections Oct. to Dec. 16,02 Gift To P.WoAL .00

Supplies (Pins, Stars etc.) 11.27
Hallowe 'En Party 2.49

Initiation Service Lunch 66
Christmas Project 4.59
$40.40 $36.01

Balance on Hand Jan. 1971 - $4.39

—Ss eh 1970

The Christian Educetion Committee is formed of representatives of the Kirk
Session, P.W.A., Church School and other orgenizations within the church,

The following notations are from the records of the Committec:

1. Mr. Geo. Forsyth Jr. is the new Chairman of the Christian Educetion Com-
mittee. We wish to take this opportunity to thenk hirs, C. Alexander for
her feithful service,

2. Wr. and Mrs. Geary Rosenow are the Adult Advisors for the very ective
Treilblezers. We wish to thank the young people for providing excellent
Christmas parties for our children,

3. The sale of holly was once agein successful and wo thank e211 those who
helped with this project. :

yo Attendance at Sunday School is down. There is new matcrial being used
end Mr, Montgomery would like Some parent reaction to this material,

sy A projector wes procured and is being extensively used,

Goo Sk special "thank you" is extended for the feithful service given by the
church echool teachers, They are:

$330 A.M. - Superintendent, Mr. ¥m. Montgomery

Mrs. G. Locker Miss Nore Galley
Mrs. C. Edmonson 5 Miss Brendes Barbor
Mrs. Leslie Lougheed Dr. R. Stinson

11:00 A.M. - Superintendent, Mrs. R. Smith

irs. C. Herdy Miss Donna Gerric ldiss Kethy Wenzel
Miss Barbara Kehrstephan Miss Sheron Locker iifiss Heather Stubbert
Miss Holly Herwood Miss Nancy Craig Miss Shelly Hardy

7. The Committee wishes to thank Mr, Hugh Boyce for his donations of "The
Bible Today" being used by the church school.

Respectfully submitted ¥
Christian Educetion Committee

