
The 18th Guelph (Westminster-St. Paul's) Boy Scout Group is again regis-
tered with The Boy Scouts of Caneda, Wellington District, for the year 1970-
1971. The Group is sponsored by the Kirk Session of this church and provides
Scout training for the boys, ages eight to twenty, on an interdenominational

The Cub Pack, under the capable leedership of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gemmell
with the help of three junior icaders from the older sections of the Group,
provides training for thirty boys, ages cight to eleven years. This group
meets every Monday in the church at 7:00 P.M.. Along with their annual Cub
Camp, this group hes several other outdoor activities during the year.

- The Scout Troop consists of twenty-one boys in the eleven to fourteen
year age group. This group mects every Thursday in the church at 7:00 P.M.
The Troop Bcouter is Barry Bowman assisted by Bob Hamilton and John Bolster,
In eddition to their own outdoor activities, this group has participated in
outings outside their own group and placed very well in competitive camping.

The Venturer and Rover Section for young men ages fourteen to seventeen
and seventeen to twenty respectively are in the throes of reorganizing sepera-
tely from the joint mectings they tried last year. The Venturers with Mr.

John Holding as their Advisor, and the Rovers with Mr. Ort Craig as their Skip-
per, meet in members' homes and have seven members in cach group. Both have
very ambitious programs planned for the remainder of the year.

The Ledies' Auxiliary of the 18th Group, with Mrs. Vivien Brousseau as
President, is composed of mothers of the boys in the Group. This is e very
vital arm of our organization and we wish to thank them for all their assis-
tance in the past. :

The Group, which continues to be self-supporting through various fund-
reising projects, would like to thank any and all who have helped and suppor -
ted us in any way during the past year. Without this help, plus the zcal of
our leaders, our program would be unable to continue.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Gowan, Chairmen,
18th Boy Scout Group
We began the new year with an exploretion on the Bible. In Jenuary, we
had a toboggan party. ‘

The Mission Study for the year was "Reconciliation in a Broken World".
We made puppets and presented a play about the study for Mother's Night.

We hiked to the river during the winter holiday and attended an Explorer
Rally in April. x

We completed an exploration on "Being an Explorer" and invited our mothers
for our Initiation Service.
