
The Crescent Circle hed s very successful yeer with e membership
of 23 end en everege ettendence of 14.

4long with our monthly devotions we hed e roll cell of e word
pertcining to the month, end elso the monthly flower, birthstone end
anything of importence concerning the month wes given by the ledies in
cherge of the devotions.

Our mein project this yeer wes the publishing of our cookbook
celled "Cooking Chetter". This project turned cut very well end we
sold 200 cookbooks. In Februery e social evening wes held et which we
hed a dessert perty end pleyed cerds. Other projects consisted of a
rummage sele, work meeting for the fall bazeer, end the sele of Stenley
and Wetkins products. We elso cetered to e wedding supper end several
other miscellaneous teas. The Crescent Circle sent $10.00 to Caneirelief
for the Biefre relief fund.

On behalf of the 1969 executive I would like to thenk our members
for ell thbir time end herd work during the year.

Mrs. H. Bechtel,
Treesurer's Report (3969)

Our main project for the yeer wes the compiling of recipes end
the seles of 200 cook books. We ere greteful to those who doneted
money for edvertising towerds the publishing of these books.

Balence forwerd from 1968 $ 8.81
Troceeds from project perties $ 84.50
Proceeds from catering (wedding rec. etc.) 183.17
Frofit from rummege sele 68.15
Benk Interest 235
Miscelleneous Donétions 7.00
Frofit from cook book seles 176.25 528.23
Benk service charges $-1.75
Cheques to P,W.A. for Bd. of Mgrs. 400 .00

(re Mortgege Payment)

Shell Fly strips for church 12.10
Cheque sent to Biafra relief fund 10.00
Feid out for meteriel for Christmes 7.00
Cost of misc, gifts to members (illness etc.) 11.02
In Bank 86.36
Money ccllected for Missions 35.50
Cheque sent to P.W.A for same 35.50 once
Hezel Smith, Treesurer
