Sete = boca Of SEE ESE S. Aeper=
The Pertnership in The Gospel progremme qhich is being imple-
mented in our church is the result of e very obvious need in our
congrepetion. If we ell "roll up our shirt sleeves", become invol-
é S ved end eccept the fect thet what we heve, whether it be time, telent
% or money i's ours only through the grace of God - if we will do this,
: then -our church will prosper end grow as 4 Christien community.

Sie + would like to take this opportunity to thank ell the members
of the Boerd of Menagers for their cooperation, unselfish attitude
end perticipation in ell metters, :

On behelf of the Boerd,

K. A. Kay, Cheirmen


Jenuery 27; 1970
The Members,
‘Vestminster-St, Peul's lresbyterian Church,
206 Victcrie Rd. Ney
Guelph, Onterio.
“le heve exemined the books end records of Westminster-St. Feul's
Iresbyterien Church for the yeer ending December 31, 1969 end in
connection therewith heve epproved the eccompenying stetements
subject te the following comments.
The pension fund liebility of $1,417.28 shown in 1968 remeins out-
stending. ‘We understend the Treesurer hes e letter from the
Cheirmen cf the Pension Boerd, weiving peyment fbt ¢ further five
yeers ccntingent cn the pryment of current liabilities. The ebove
amount is included in the supplementery list of eccounts payeble
elong with the August end November 1969 Mortgege principel pey-
ments totelling $1,500.00 end sundry items emounting to $385.10.
The hiortgege receivable from Life and Glory Temple wes peid in
full during 1969 end hes been removed from the listing cf Assets.
The $1,600.00 loen arrenged by your Board of Menegers on December
30, 1968 hes been reduced to $400.00 et the end of 1969. The
source cf funds for the $1,200.00 peyments wes @ follows: $803.75
by specicl envelope collections end $396.25 from the generel
opereting funds.
Respectfully submitted,
A. G. Fetum
