
The Christien Ecucetion Committee is formed of representetives of the
Kirk Session, P.W.4., Church School, end other orgenizetions within the
church. ‘Ye urgently nee@ © Cheirmen for the coming yeer.

The following .items represent some of the highlights of 1968.

The snnuel Congregetionel Picnic, which in pest yeers hes been orge-
nizec by the Christien Educetion Committee, is now plenned by © Congrege-
tionel Ticnic Committee. The successful 1968 Picnic wes held cn June 12th
et Riversice Terk.

Considereble effort wes spent in plenning © Vecetion Bible School.
Mrs. K. Dick end Mrs. N. Stoskopf egreed to direct the schocl. Beceuse of
an inedequete response to ¢ request for teechers this project hed to be

Mr. end Mrs. Ken Dick ere the edult edvisors for our very active Young

- ieoples' Society. The Christien Educetion Committee wishes to thenk them
end ell the Y.P.S. members for providing such excellent Christmes perties
for the children of the Sundey School.

Miss Hsui Feng of Teiwen hes received our continued support during
1968. She will greduete from university in the spring of 1969 et which
time cur finenciel commitment will be completed. Plens will be mede to
help enother needy young Presbyterian,

In cooperetion with Knox end St. Andrews churches, Westminster -St.
Teul's perticipeted in the pilot project for Presbyterian Church Dey Cemping.
For one week in July, eleven young people from our church school ettended
cemp et Crieff. Mrs, R. Robson end Mrs. J. Eckerdt were camp leeders. Both
cempers end leeders were enthusiestic end the weether wes excellent, so the
project wes very successful.

The stle of holly in December continued to be e successful money-me king
project. Our thenks to ell who helped.

The Church School Superintendents ere pleesed with the weekly etten-
dence, end with the cooperetion of ell the teechers. Esch Sundey there ere
obout 50 - 60 pupils ettending eech session of the Church School.

The C.E. Committee wishes to thenk ell those who heve given time, ef-
fort, end finenciel support to promote Christien Ecucetion in cur church.

Respectfully Submitted,
Christien E¢uceticn Comm.
