1969 BUDGET .
1267 ACTUAL 1968 ACTUAL 1969 BUDGET.
Auto Expenses 900.00 1,067.04 1,150
Building Repairs 817.05 2 17.35 3,000
Canada Pension 79.56 68.58 A& 75
Heating Church and Manse 1,080.00 1,190.00 1,200
Hydro " " 280.30 489.18 ~ 500
Interest and Bank Charges 4222.19 (3, 234204 130"? 2,000
Insurance - Building & Boiler 387.55 325.95 | 350
Janitor Supplies 271.11 24.84 - 100
Missions 1,928.95 1,755.20 2,000
Music Supplies 73.57 7h.93 * 1D
Organ Repairs 650.00 - 7 50
Postage 41.73 20.40 ~ 50
Synod and Presbytery Dues 147.80 113.24 150
Printing and Stationery B41.93 205.62 > 250
Pulpit Supplies 250.00 vote 200
Taxes Property 561.92 561.92 600
Salaries - Minister 443599296 4,766.64 53000
= Organist 900.00 900.00 300
- Janitor 0.0 720.00 — i
Window Repairs wAhghre 902.35 eke <=
Audkt Fees 65.00 50.00 15
Manse Mortgage Principal 470.59 504.00 500
Synod Mtge. Principal 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000
Minister's Pension o- 150.00 300
Snow Removal - 72.00 100
Paving for Manse - 165.00 -
Improvement in Heating Basement - 560.00 -
Repairs Furnace - 119.72 300
Miscellaneous 3.50 = a
Bank Overdraft 579 .00 - -
Bank of Nova Scotia Loan - 900.00 1,200
Mortgage Interest unpaid ie
paid Jan./69 a OO —_—
$23,875.11 $20,997.80 $26,475.00
This is an unaudited report made up by the Treasurer for Budget purposes ‘4
and comparative figures only, however the majority of the figures are
the same as the financial report and where there are differences these can
explained by the Treasurer or are explained in the Auditor's report,
The above Budget is submitted for your approval. i
Donna M. Currie - Treasurer
J. Lawrence Chairman, Finance
A, Gessner - Chairman Board of ~