
1968 wes @ yeer in which the Boerd endeevored to keep expenses et ©
minimum in en effort to liquidete outstanding debts and put our church -
on 8 sound finencial besis. This wes accomplished in part by the coopere-
tion end effort of church members.

4 speciel thenk-you to P.W.A. end Circle members for underteking the
cleaning of the church, end to the men who assisted in cutting gress end
shovelling snow. Thenks for e job well done!

The Boerd of Menegers expresses its sincere appreciation to the F.W.A.,
Circles, end the Y.P.S. for their financiel essistance this pest yeer.
“With the continued support of the congregation end its orgenizetions, the
outlook for '69 should be promising but e special effort must be mede in
Februery to meet the mortgege peyment of $1500.00. If this payment cen be
peid on time, 1969 should be our best yeer yet.

4 deteiled financiel stetement for 1968 es well es a proposed budget
for 1969 is included in this report. Your comments end suggestions will be

Sincere thenks to Mrs. Mollie Mitchell for typing end assembling this

report end the weekly church bulletins.

The following Board members' term of office’ hes termineted either
through expiretion of their term or resignetion - Mrs. L. McGillivery,

Mir. J. Lewrence, Mr. S. Kobylnik, Mr. N. Brydges, Mr. C. Barker, end Mr.
4. Gessner.
On behelf of the Boerd,
A. Gessner, Cheirman
Mrs. L. McGillivery,
Coy t >
