: 1968
This congregetion entered the yeer 1968 conscious of © promise of
better deys chead. Our minister was making good recovery from his serious
illness; the congregation closed renks end dozens offered their services
to help keep things going. The Presbytery responded magnificently end
supplied our pulpit without charge throughout our minister's illness end
The hopes we held et the commencement of the yeer were to be reeli-
zed by increesing ettendence at church and increesing financiel givings.
Meny new femilies have joined our congregetion, by trensfer end professicn
of feith, end we welcome these people most heartily. We trust thet they
will become active members in the congregetion belstering the work of the
church in the Sunday School, the choir, the P.W.A., on the Boerd or Session.
We were heertened to see so meny of our young people teke their vows
of church membership. Session was delighted to esteblish Mr. end Mrs. Ken
Dick es Advisors to © reorgenized Young Feoples! Group,
Session would like to express the thenks of the congregetion to the
Orgenist end Choir for giving their time end telent, also to the Women's
Groups for feithfill support of the church, to our cepable Sundey School
Superintendents end teechers, end to the members of the Boerd of Menegers
for e job well done.
Members received during the yeer:
By Profession of Faith - 34
By Certificete - 16
By Kirk Session = 2
Totel 52
Removed by Certificete - 6
Removed by deeth le
Removed by revision cf
the Roll - 20
Totel 30
Membership end of 1968 - 459
Membership end of 1967 - 437
Net Gain 22
Infent - 10
Adult cum 3
Monies reiged by Session during the yeer - $398.00
The givings to the budget cf the Generel Assembly were $1756.20.
John Gillespie,
Clerk of Session