Actuel Revenue from Duplex Envelopes end Loose Collection Comparisons
For Previous Yeers
ach stevious Years
RECEIPIS 1963 $13,116.30
3964 15,685.10
1965 15 7603.52
1966 15,935.84
1967 15,024.12
January Comperison of Collections - First four weeks
1964 ยง$ 1,130.15
1965 883.30
1966 928.14
1967 1,115.00
The Christien Educetion Committee is formed of rep-esentetives of
the Kirk Session, P.W.A., Church School end other organizations within
the church,
The following notetions ere from the records of the Committee:
1. Miss Cerolyn Wright, a member of the congregetion, ettended the
'67 Congress of the Presbyterien Church in Canede at Queen's Uni-
versity, Kingston, June 2-6, 1967.
2. The annuel Congregetional Picnic was held at Riverside Park on
June 14th. Attendence was ebove thet of pest yeers,
3. The Vecetion Bible School wes not held this pest year due to the
leck of interest end enthusiesm emong church members usuelly res-
The Presbyterian Young Peoples! Society wes disbended in April 19-
67 due to leck of leadership end interest on the pert of seversl
members. The question of reorganizing the P.Y.P.S. wes referred to
the Kirk Session for consideretion, study end necessery ection.
school pupils. We recently received e letter from this girl ec-
companied by e snapshot. Note: contents of the letter will be reed
et the Congregetionel meeting,
6. Resignations were received from Mrs. H. Bechtel of the Explorers,
end Mrs. C, Hessen of the C.G.I.T. due to other responsibilities.
Miss Susen Teylor retired from the church school steff. She left
for frizone in eerly December where she is now employed.
7. The church school Christmes perty wes conducted in mid-December.
The pegeant usuelly presented wes omitted,
8. The Committee wishes to express its epprecietion to ell persons of
the congregation for their donetions to Christien Educetion-sponsored
events, end to those who heve offered their time.
Respectfully submitted ;
Christian Educetion Committee