
The financiel espect of the church will be fully outlined in the re-
port of Tressurer, Ron Cempbell. Once egein the Boerd ren on @ deficit
basis end it wes necessery to borrow $2500.00 during the yeer to psy our
mortgege obligetions. A ccnsidereble overdreft et the bank wes elso in
effect et the year's end. Plens to eliminete this continuing problem will
be outlined by Mr. Wm. Elliott. At the seme time, it must be pointed out
thet our congregetion hes much to be proud of. Ina few short years we
heve built up an equity in excess of $83000.00 from stert of less then
$3000.00. This wes due in pert to the assistence received from Knox end
St. Andrew's but © good deel of the credit is due our congregetion.

At the lest congregetionel meeting, a number of major projects for
1967 were cutlined. Due tc the generosity of the Circles and especielly
those donating to the speciel fund, the Board wes eble to finish the
chenge-over of the windows, change the heeting system, replece the front
doors, purchese amplifiers for the orgen end build basement cupboards,
Improved perking lot lighting wes elso instelled.

During 1968 certein repeirs to the building must be a necessity.
The roof beams must be capped end e reteining well or trench built at the
reer of the church to eliminate the continuel leeks.

The Boerd wishes to thenk the ledies of our church for their finen-
ciel support and time given in eid of the verious Boerd projects. Due
to the generosity cf Bill Elliott in doneting the materials end the done-
tion of Rey Currie's.many hours of work it wes possible to peint the ex-
tericr of the Mense. George Forsythe Sr. elso spent memy hours in deco~
rating the new doors end cupboerds. To the ebove end all others who essis-
ted in the work of the church during the pest yeer, the thenks end sincere
epprecietion of the Boerd end congregetion must be extended.

In conclusion, the Boerd wishes to egein thenk Mrs. Mollie Mitchell
for the hours spent in printing the Church Bulletins end the printing and
assembling of this report.

On behelf of the Boerd,

Ches. Barker, Cheirmen
Mrs. McGillivery, Secretery
