Scout Group Report - Cont.
Teorgenizing it next yeer egein,
The boys in
our vericus proje
younger boys,
this age group have been of great essistence to us in
ets end provide excellent help in the treining cf the
MOTHERS ' AUXILIARY - With e membership of fifty-five mothers, this group
under Mrs. D, Lenglois, the President, meets in the homes of the verious
members on the fi.
sist the boys in
Banquet each year
rst Thursdey of each month, This group functions to as-
many ways. They provide the meal for the Father end Son
end also the refreshments for some of the other functions
held by the Group es a whole, They meke neckerchiefs for the boys, pur-
chese verious ert:
They alse mount +
Theirs is a
cieted by ell members of the Group, boys, leaders and Group Committee too,
icles for the boys such es flegs end treining equipment.
he Cub bedges of each Cub when he greduetes to the Scout
most importent function end one thet is ereetly appre-
In general might we say that the Group continues to be self-suppor -
ting. The funds
and sold in the qd
to operete are eerned by the sele of beskets collected
istrict in the spring end fell. This money coupled with
the dues peid each week by the boys provides sufficient funds on which to
This hes bee
During the yeer ti
na memorable year in thet we now heve some Queen Scouts.
hree of our boys, Bob Hamilton Jr., John Knox end John
Bolster ell cerned their Queen Scout Bedges. We have Severel other boys
who ere now close
awerds this year,
Knox end Bcb Hemi.
Our Group wa
to this seme goel. We elso hed two Bushmen's Thong
elso a first in our Group. These were earned by John
lton Jr,
s further honoured this yeer in thet one of our Ven-
turers, John Knox, wes chosen to represent Wellington District along with
eight other Scout
Ferragut Stete Pe:
been @ yeer of ac.
Nona of this
gift of time to t
present leeders bi
deal to meke this
8 from Guelph et the 12th World Boy Scout Jemboree et
rk in Idaho during the eerly pert of August. This hes
complishment end recognition.
would be possible without the devotion and unselfish
he Group by the leeders. In this we include not only our
ut severel other people who in the pest heve done e greet
& successful group, & Group is only es strong es its
leeders end our successes ere truly indicative of the celibre of leeders
we are fortunete
boys, I would lik
end loyelty. It
in heving. On behelf of the Church, the perents end the
e to offer my sincere epprecietion for their essistence
is recognized end epprecieted.
Respectfully submitted ,
18th Guelph Boy Scout Group
J. Bruce Knox