The Explorers meet on Monday eat 4:15 P.M. with en everege attendance
of seventeen. They heve studied the prescribed litereture on being en
Explorer, while the second end third yeer girls studied the Lord's Preyer.
They ere now emberking ona new study of Jepen end the Christien Church.
They enjoyed a Halloween perty end mede some lovely gifts at Christ-
mas. 4s @ project, they sold church celendets. This yeer's leeders ere:
Mrs. C. Muir, Mrs. Cerl Jackson, Mrs. G. Robson.
Belence Dec. 31, 1966 $ 4.18 Celender Project 1966 $ 43.75
Celender Project 52.00 Song Sheets 1.05
Collections 33355 Closing May Party 5.23
Benk Interest 43 Supplies, sters, pins etc. 16.72
Celendar Project 1967 50.50 Celender Project 1967 42.50
Benk Exchenge +30
Guelph Presbyteriel ¥.M.S. _15.00
$140.66 $124.55
Totel Receipts $140.66
Totel Expenditures 224.55
Belence Dec. 31/66 $16.11
In this annual report, I should like to bring to your ettention the
people who week by week - rein or shine - come out to prectice end to Sun-
day service to offer to God their worship in preise end song. These men
end women go unnemed, end I would like et this time to say "Thenk you" for
your feithfulness, end your efforts in the ministry of music.
I would be remiss in my duty if I did not express my epprecietion to
Mrs. Joen Dunlop for the solos she brings us so beautifully from tine to
time, end to the choir es e whole for their extre efforts during the Christ-
més se@son.
4s the members of the church cen see, we ere out of balence, needing
men mostly, but e sporeno or elto would not be turned ewey. Our choir
would benefit greatly from the eddition of e tenor or two and e bess or
two. Agein, let me express my epprecietion end I'm sure the epprecietion
of the church es e whole for your unselfish efforts, If there ere men
who would like to join with us in the choir, you would by most welcome.
Let me sey here thet experience is not necessery, elthcugh it would be
most helpful.
Soprenos - Mrs. Joen Dunlop, Mrs. Merg. Guthrie, Mrs, Doris Gowen, Mrs.
Betty Brydges, Mrs. Mernie Milne, Mrs. Lois Hurren, Mrs. Hezel
Smith, Miss Merilyn Brydges
Altos - Mrs. Charlotte Allen, Mrs, Mollie Mitchell, Miss Michelle
Bloem, Miss Sheron Bridges, Miss Susen Adie, Miss Cerol Adie,
Miss Velerie Wright
Besses ~- Mr. Ken Kay, Mr. Gecrge Forsyth, Mr. Earl Brydges
Tenors - Mr, Ted Brydges, Mr, Howard Mitchell
N. E. Brydges,
Orgenist end Choir Leeder