
The Victorie Circle held nine reguler meetings in 1967. We heve e
membership of eighteen, end heve hed € good turn-out et eech meeting.

In Jenuary we sterted two Centenniel projects; sewing diepers end

nighties for the Cenadien Seve The Children Fund, end Penny Begger tins
for food supplies for needy children. In Februery we discussed plens
for our Rummege Sele to be held in Merch, end hed en enterteinment night
for our group. In Merch we held © cerd perty to reise funds, end mede
finel errengements for the Rummege Sele. In April the Rummege Sele net-
ted us $35.75. We made plens to heve e Beke Teble et the Gerenium Tee.
We sterted ¢ Beke Besket in May to circulete through our group, end in
June we held e berbecue to end our meetings for the summer. it this
meeting we sold good used pocket-books. In September we held e Bring
and Buy Sele and discussed the Fowl Supper to be held the next month.
In October we served e dinner to the Woodstock Chember of Commerce, end
in November held a Work Night to make erticles for the Christmes Bezeer.
We elso hed two volunteers to beg holly for the Christien Educetion Com-

Benk belence $ 40.85 Expenses P.W.A. $ 1.20
Bring end Buy Sele 9.15 Mercury Ad 2.55
Callections 20.50 Merket Clerk 2.00
Cerd Party 6.95 Missions 13.80
Membership Fees 3.00 Boerd of Menagers 75.00
Rummege Sele 37.50 Christmas Decoretions 4.30
Sele of Books 8.70 P.W.A. 100.00
Bring end Buy Sele _ 00 Missions P.W.A. 6.70
Dinner for Woodstock C. of C. 3

Totel es $205.55

Benk Belence $19.33


The Goodwill Circle of Westminster-St. Peul's held nine reguler mee-

tings end our ennuel picnic in June.
Wednesdey afternoon of each month,

Our meetings ere held the second

We heve e membership of fourteen end hed © very good ettendence et

eech meeting.

4 considerable emount of money hes been reised by speciel

collections, Bring end Buy seles, epron money, birthdey box, sociel eve-
nings held through the yeer in members! homes, end e rummege sele held in

with fruit, flowers end cards,
to the shut-ins.

The sick end shut-ins were visited every month end remembered
Also et Christmas, we sent little gifts

We would like to thenk ell our members et this time who heve worked
so willingly to make the pest yeer e success,

Phyllis Seerle,
