. The Group consists of 1 Cub Teck, 1 Scout Troop, 1 Venturer Compeny ,
end 1 Rover Crew.
. CUBS - Due to the loss of © leeder we were forced to disbend one of the
Cub Tecks. We heve e full compliment of 30 boys in the leck now opere-
ting end unfortunetely cennot eecept edditionel membership. The Teck
is working on the new 5 ster progremme under the Lkele, Ralph Smith, es-
sisted by Mrs. J. Hegey, Miss leuline Smith, Miss Meureen Lengford end
Mr. Greg. Bolster. The progremme requires five leeders so thet to reopen
the second Feck we require 5 new leeders.
During the yeer the boys had e one-dey hike to Rockwood Conserve-
tion sree. A weekend Cemp hed been plenned et Leke Belwood but confusion
in bookings by the operetors of the Camp forced us to cencel the Camp.
The ieck meets Mondey night et 6:30 et the church,
SCOUTS - The troop of 23 boys under the leedership of Jeck Langford es-
sisted by Bob Hopkins end Bob Hemilton Jr. mcets et the church on Fridey
et 7:00 i.M. The Troop normelly hes 24 boys end e troop this size scems :
to be best considering the size of the church hell end the leeders evei-
leble. The boys heve been teken on severel tours during the yeer in the
interests of broedening their generel knowledge. They toured the Fire
. Hell, city iolice Building end the Bell Telephone buildings. They hed a
weekend cemp et Rockwood end ettended e Cemporee et Everton.
> VENTURERB - The Venturer Compeny is under the leedership of Doug Bolster
end Ken Vilson. This group, eged. 14 to 17 yeers, hes © compliment of 12 :
boys end meets et the boys' homes et irreguler times Cepending on the
pressure of school work ctc. The boys ere emberking on the now Venturcr
progremme which is © complete deperture from the old programme end slen-
ted more towerd providing informetion for the boys on the things which
interest them individuelly. During the pest yeer, 8 of the boys received
their lst class bedges. Applications for 211 12 were mede for the “orld
Jemboree in Ideho this summer end John Knox wes chosen by the Guelph Dis-
trict Council to go es one of the 6 Scouts from Guelph who will ettend.
The boys hed e weekend Camp et Rockwood, end elso attended the Cemporee
et Everton. The Venturers also visited the Fire Hell, City rolice Buil-
ding end the Bell Telephone. Scverel of the boys heve cerned 2 or more
of their Queen Scout bedges by ettending clesses held by the District on
these subjects.
ROVERS - During the year wo lost our Rover leeder byt Orton Craig hes
aerced to teke over the leedership of the Crew for the time being et leest.
5 The Crew consists of 4 boys at present end we ere looking for eny boys 18
yeers or older who sre interested in Rovering to join with thc Crew. Du-
ring the yeer the boys hed severel hikes end 2 weekend cemps. They etten-
5 ded 2 Rover Moots in the area, At the end of August, 3 of the Rovers
drove to Victorie end ettended the Canedien Rover Moot on Vancouver Is-
lend near Victoria. The Crew elso meets et the homes of the boys es time
permits. inyone interested in joining the Rover Crew should contect Mr.
Orton Craig or the Cheirmen of the Group Committee.
For the group es e whole, 1965-1966 hes been e busy one. ‘Ne held e