2-Y.i.S. Repcrt - Cont.
i living through their experiences.
3 »s of Sept. lst, Guelph Presbytery céesed to exist end joined with
Seugeen lresbytery to form the Tresbytery cf Guelph-Seugeen. Leedership
Treining Dey wes held Sept. 23rd et St. indrew's, Guelph, end e sociel
evening followed et this church.
The snnuel Synod Conventicn wes held in Kitchener on Thenksgiving
weekend, end the speeker wes Dr. F. Stewert, his theme being, "There dre
No Bergeins". Delegetes from cur church ettended feithfully Tresbytery
Council meetings cn Sundey efternoons threughcut the yeer.
+8 the yeer wes coming tc e close, the Y.F.S. found itself in e di-
lemme, Neerly ell of the cld members would be leeving us, with few eepe-
ble persens left to shoulder the burden. By rellying the suppcrt of e11
remeining members, the Society is new trying tc continue the fine exemples
set for us tc follow, The fcllcwing perscns fcrm the new executive fcr
adult adviser - Mr. R. Negycbb Test Iresident - Michelle Blcem
iresident - Lerreine Alten Secretery-Treesurer - Jennifer Sectt
Vice-iresident - John Gillespie Fellewship-lublicity - Richerd Muit
. Voting Delegetes to Iresbytery - Velerie “right, Lerreine Altcn
Finenciel ircjects
: - 4 congregetionel Dence wes held in the church hell april 16th, which
preved tc be highly enjcyeblw for e211 these whe ettended. Ancther Dence’
wes held on June 18th, but, beceuse cf lack cf support from the congrege-
ticn, this venture proved nct neerly se successful.
- Cer Wesh wes held cn July 9th et Zeller's perking lot. Net cnly did
the members enjoy themselves, but with some of the profits we spent e
weekend camping.
- lictures of the inside of the church ere being sold by the Society
to the congregetion for enother project.
The profits from the ebove ere being set eside exclusively for the
use in the purchesing of © church window by the Society.
Sociel ectivities of the Society were held during the week, md did
not interfere with our reguler weekly meetings.
The Society would like to express our pretitude end epprecietion to
Mr. B. Negyobb for his unfeiling support end direction which he hes given
- in the pest yeer, The Society greetly apprecieted 211 assistence exten-
ded to us during the pest yeer from the congregetion, end we will try to
fulfill its obligetions during the comihg yeer,
The members extend e werm welcome to e1l1 young persons in the con-
eregetion who mey wish to join us.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorreine 4lton
