’ "Let no men despise thy youth: but be thou en exemple cf the belie-
vers, in werd, in conversetion, in cherity, in spirit, in feith, in
; purity." 1 Timothy 4: 12
This pest yeer hes been cne cf the mest chellenging end successful
for cur Scciety. We feel thet in cur fellowship we heve leerned much
end become closer to God, fulfilling the purpese of our Scciety - to be-
come neer tc Jesus Christ end the Church.
Threugh cur group, we hope tc leern the weys cf Christien life end
service, end prectice them in cur locel congregetion, end cerry them with
us into the surrcunding Nerld.
In bricf deteil below ere the ectivities of importence in which the
members cf the Society perticipeted in 1966.
Jcining with the membership cless, the Scciety viewed the film "The
Hutterites", efter which © very interesting discussicn, led by Mr. Hes-
tings, ves held.
In cerly Februery, we ettended © Teen end Twenty Chepel service in
Celt. The Seciety else trevelled to Kitchener end went to the Ice Capedes,
: “e sew e film entitled "The ircblems of Aleohclism" end e lively
diseussicn fcllowed.
On the mcrning the new executive wes instelled, the Cruseders' Quer-
tet seng. The Scciety, Quertet, end severe] cther honcurec guests then
enjoyed ¢ luncheon tcgether in the church hell fcllewing the service cf
worship. 411 then preceedee tc © Teen end Twenty service in Weterloc.
iresbytery held its Vinter Fellewship in the form of ¢€ bowling perty,
end they then returned to this church for pest-wer refreshments.
Spring Fellowship wes held et Glenview High Schcol, Gelt, es € treck
meet, end supper followed et St. Andrew's, Gelt.
This Scciety joined with cthers et © Wetchnight Service et St.
Gile's, Gelt.
On pril 17, we joined with Knox's Y.P., end viewed slides by Dr.
Sutherlend, © missionery home on furlough from Formose.
‘ Guelph Tresbytery sponsored ¢ Teen end Twenty Chepel service in St.
andrew's, Toronto, on pril 24th, which proved to be highly successful
end rewerding. ;
Guelph iresbytery ettended Synod Spring Fellowship held in Ieter-
borough on May 14th. The Society sent © lerge dcnetion to iresbytery to
eid its yeerly missions prcject.
No reguler meetings were held during the summer, A very enjcyeble
cemping weekend wes spent by some members et Creig Leith ircvinciel lerk
during July. Syncd Yeekend Retreat end Week Camp were held during the
summer, end those whe ettended gainec much knowledge of better christien