% The yeer 1966 wes e trying one finencielly. Collections dropped
$1600.00 from the yeer 1965. It wes due to the ecnerosity 6f memy indi-
viduels end orgenizetions who doneted time end money thet the Boerd wes
: eble to mect its finencial obligetions without the edded burden of bor-
rowing money. The Boerd, once egein, wishes to extend its sincere ep-
precietion to the women's orgenisetions for their generous efforts in
@ssisting it to meet the mortgege. Speciel thenks ere also voted to those
femilies doneting to the mortgege fund end the purchese of new windows,
Tlens had been mede to cerry out somo necessery repeirs for the Church
end Mense but the finenciel situetion would not ellow this. 4dventege wes
teken of the Mense vecency end it wes completely peinted inside before the
: errivel of Rev, Nicholson. This wes only done through the co-operation
of G. Forsyth Sr. who spent © good meny hours of his own on this project.
The Budget for 1967 hes been set et $24,423.16 which is en increese
of $2,345.41 over the ectuel expense for 1966. It should be noted thet of
this budget, the sum of $20,551.76 is in fixed or uncontrolleble expenses.
This leeves © belence of $3,871.40 to cerry on with the work of the church.
Even & 25% increese in collections will leeve the Boerd short of the Bud-
get, end to this end the Board is elreedy leying plens to reise money
other then by collections.
: We ere entering the yeer 1967 with extreme optimism. Indicetions ere
elreedy pointing to en improvee yeer. /s it is pointec out in the finan-
ciel stetement, givings for the first four weeks of Jenuery ere up over
: $200.00 for the similer period lest yeer.
Me jor projects plenned for the coming yeer ere:
(e) Completion of church windows.
{b) Improving the besement heeting system. This hes elreedy been sur-
veyed by en engineer who will submit his recommendetions.
(ce) Renoveting or replecing the mein church doors.
(a) iurchesing en emplifier system for the orgen.
(e) Renoveting the weshrooms.
The Boerd would like to see the perking lot surfeced end extended.
The Boerd would eppreciete receiving constructive criticism or sug>
gestions from the congregetion.
The Boerd wishes to thenk Mrs. Edmonson for hendling the office of
Envelope Secretery in such en efficient menner efter the resignetion of
M. Robinson.
The Boerd wishes to thenk Mrs. Mollie Mitchell for the hours spent in
printing the Church Bulletins end the typing end essembling of this report,
Respectfully submitted,
C. Berker, Cheirmen
Mrs. McGillivery, Secretery