Jenuery 20, 1967.
The Members,
Westminster-St. Peul's Presbyterien Church,
: 206 Victorie Rd.,
Guelph, Onteric.
We heve exemined the books end records of Westminster-St. Feul's
4 Presbyterien Church for the yeer ended December 31, 1966 end in con-
nection therewith heve epproved the eccompenying stetements.
The following comments ere mede for your informetion end consi-
1. All trensfers from the Generel eccount to the Mission end Pro-
perty eccounts heve becn eccounted for in the records.
2. In connection vith the registretion of the Church with the
Federel Government as en euthorized cheriteble orgenizetion, we
would suggest ©11 loose collections be shown seperetely to eneble the
Envelope Secretery to belence the individuel records with the totel
envelope givings.
3. The property benk eccount nurbcr 608 should now be trensferred
to the church es no personel liebility exists.
3 Meny thenks for the opportunity of essisting you in this metter.
Fatum & Fatum,
By G. ¥. Fetum
Belence Sheet Ls At December 31, 1966
Assets - Benk - Mission $ 1.00
Buildings - Inc. Mense 131000 .00
Mortgere Held - Life & G? ty
Temple $4500.00
Less i966 receipts 1034.40
Belence Receiveble 3465.60
‘ Lend Including Mense 25000 .00
Prepeid Texes on Mense 238.71
Totel Assets $159705.21
Benk - Generel fcccunt Overdreft 536.40
: Loans Peyeble - Benk 12000 .30
‘ St. Andrew's 2650.00 14650.30
Mortgege Feyeble - Manse 4318.21
Synod 49500.00 53818.21
Net Worth in Church
As At Dec. 31, 1965 84891.14
Increese in 1966 5809.26 __ 90700 .40
